Oh, hello! Carmeletta here. What? You haven't heard of me? Well, why don't you check out the King and Queen's Page if you're curious as to who we all are.

Sick of searching for dogz you like?? Well, Learn how to breed the dog you want!

Meet your guide for this page-- Quint. Quint, take over!

I'd love to, Carmeletta... hey, you guys want to adopt some Mixed Breedz now? Well, lets take a look at some of my friends.

If you see one you like, click on its name to go to its own personal web page; complete with family history, a picture or two, and a link to its mate~ if that particular Dog has one.

Patch is a male with a small family history, but he is a very large dog! ;) He's my brother!!

ME! Quint! I'm a BEEEE-YOOOtiful Mixed Breed! How could you not love me?? :)